Sickness Certifications – Fit Notes

For the first week of illness, you may use a self-certification form which is available from your employer. Alternatively you can complete and download an online form at Ask your employer for Statutory Sick Pay – Ask your employer for Statutory Sick Pay – GOV.UK (

If you are still ill after this time you will need to make an appointment with a clinician to discuss your illness and request a certification called a Fit Note which tells your employer that you are unfit to work.

If you require an extension to the Fit Note, you can contact the practice and we will arrange for a clinician to review your request.

If you have been under the care of a hospital doctor, the duty to provide a Fit Note rests with the doctor who at the time has clinical responsibility for you.

For guidance explaining how and when hospital doctors should use a Fit Note, please seeĀ Statement of fitness for work: a guide for hospital doctors – GOV.UK (